How Often Should You Replace Your Skylight?

How Often Should You Replace Your Skylight?

A skylight is a great way to bring natural light into your home. Whether you’re looking for a way to brighten up your living room or turn an underutilized space into a sun-filled one, a skylight can help. It’s one of the simplest accessories a roof can...
Roofing Solutions for Hot & Dry Regions 

Roofing Solutions for Hot & Dry Regions 

As the temperatures rise and the sun beats down relentlessly, homeowners in hot and dry regions face a unique set of challenges when it comes to roofing. From the constant exposure to UV rays to the potential for cracking and damage from extreme heat, it’s...
What To Know About Roof Flashing

What To Know About Roof Flashing

When preparing or getting a roof installation, you’re probably having terms thrown at you that you may not understand. A term you may have heard is roof flashing (RF). It is common for homeowners to not know the term unless they’ve dealt with roofing in the past.  ...